From heavy duty to human resources
Are the present presented, the prevailing trends, a harbinger of the innovations that await us in the coming years?
The current situation in the automotive sector and - just started with a bang - the “electro-revolution” will have a huge impact on the entire lighting industry. Many people associated with this sector express their opinions in general or conservative terms: “it seems to me”, “in my opinion”... Claiming that at this point one can only guess what the future holds. I, as the president of M-TECH, who mainly deals with sales and purchasing for the company, will say it straight: lighting engineers, like 80% of other industry professionals, will face huge challenges in the coming years. Full LED lighting in electric cars is practically the order of the day. Only the cheapest models (and mostly from Chinese manufacturers) are equipped with traditional, replaceable bulbs. European headlight manufacturers, displaced by Taiwanese and Chinese manufacturers, are now offering very decent quality, at a fraction of the European price. Product ranges such as auxiliary daytime running lamps are currently still “on the go,” but will not be right for the lighting market in the near future.
Don’t I sound optimistic? It’s true, but I think it’s important to prepare for a collision with a very brutal business reality. M-TECH’s strategy is simple: to grow, and not linearly, but across multiple sectors: the product, the organization itself, the distribution network, etc. On top of that: being a few steps ahead, ahead of customer needs. Development must be organic, not abrupt but well thought out and consistently implemented over the coming years. I won’t reveal the details, because I know that the articles in AutoExpert are read eagerly by our competitors as well, but I assure you that M-TECH is ready for new challenges.
There is a public dispute over the rise in popularity of electric cars. Are they a target for the lighting industry? The most traditional segment of all lighting, i.e. incandescent bulbs (and their recent, very fashionable LED replacements, called retrofits) will certainly gain “importance”, but this will only apply to distributors that offer the latest technology and really solid product quality, proven in such a release as halogen, xenon, auxiliary bulbs
Jak M-TECH odpowiada na potrzeby rynku?
Proponujemy lampy robocze do segmentu heavy duty, lampy inspekcyjne dedykowane mechanikom pracującym w ciężkich warunkach. Przyszłością firmy jest również poszerzanie asortymentu o produkty z którymi możemy już być kojarzeni. To umacnianie wizerunku marki w odbiorze społecznym. Na pewno chcemy też inwestować w rozwój pracowników i budowanie relacji tych osób z kontrahentami z całego świata. W czasach „panowania” sztucznej inteligencji, nie ma – moim zdaniem – cenniejszej kompetencji, jak umiejętność nawiązywania kontaktu z drugim człowiekiem. W handlu np., już za ok. 10 lat może zabraknąć specjalistów od komunikacji i sprzedaży, bo dyrektorom przedsiębiorstw może się wydawać, że sztuczna inteligencja zastąpi ludzi na tych stanowiskach… Nic bardziej mylnego! Ale to już kwestia indywidualna każdej z firm. W M-TECH dbamy o umacnianie siły trójkąta: handlowcy – zakupowcy – marketingowcy i tej sprawdzonej koncepcji trzymamy się mocno.
Tomasz Barczyk
Company CEO